Attachments: Rutter Versus Bowlby

Rutter’s Challenge: Is Monotropy a Valuable Concept? Most, if not all, A Level Psychology textbooks make reference to the challenge made by Michael Rutter regarding Bowlby’s concept of monotropy (the idea that infants need one bond that is stronger than all the rest) but they make this reference fairly superficially. I often find that students are… Read More Attachments: Rutter Versus Bowlby

AS Psychology and EWT: Child witnesses influenced by gestures as well as wording

Factors affecting EWT: Age of witness AQA specification A requires students studying AS Psychology Unit 1 to learn about research into “factors affecting the accuracy of Eye Witness Testimony”, including the age of the witness. This week I came across some research suggesting that it is not just the fragility of a developing memory or the… Read More AS Psychology and EWT: Child witnesses influenced by gestures as well as wording

AS Unit 2: End of topic application activity – controllable stressors and behavioural immunisation

New stress research: AS Psychology (AQA A) Published on the Scientific American Blog (November 6th 2012) @scicurious has written a piece entitled “It’s not the stress that counts, it’s whether you can control it”. The post has the potential to provide the basis for an end of topic application task that will allow students to draw… Read More AS Unit 2: End of topic application activity – controllable stressors and behavioural immunisation